Academic Support & Resources
General support and mentoring are provided to all students through a number of one-on-one
relationships with Goucher faculty and staff.
- Each student has an academic advisor, who helps the student identify academic goals, select appropriate courses, and make
use of campus resources.
- Assistance with general academic skills, including study skills and time management, are provided at
the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE).
- Assistance with specific courses is often provided via student-led supplemental instruction
sessions or student-to-student tutoring.
- A student-staffed Writing Center is also available to assist students with writing assignments, and the Writing Program helps students who have not achieved college writing proficiency through the traditional
- For help with mathematics and data analytics classes, students also have access to
our new Quantitative Reasoning Center.
Although Goucher does not have a program for students with disabilities, accessibility services are available, and policies and procedures are in place for students with documented
disabilities who request academic accommodations.